The Nelson Trust

The Nelson Trust offer a fully holistic programme, underpinned by a trauma informed and gender responsive approach. We work with clients to identify strengths, address unmet needs and to build on their recovery capital. Clients will be supported to identify strengths and needs and co-create a care plan to address unmet needs and build their recovery capital they have. 

Our gender specific service for women who have experienced trauma and addiction offers an co created, individualised, treatment plan aimed at addressing the effects of trauma and multiple needs including eating disorders, mental health sex working and poor coping strategies. Adopting a strengths-based model to support women to build up their recovery capital.

Yes No
Treatment of drug/alcohol addiction
Treatment of behavioural addictions
Male Only
Female Only
Mixed Gender
12 Step
Non-12 Step
Do you offer detox?
Is the treatment centre staffed by nurses or other medical clinicians?
Is the treatment centre staffed by 24-hour waking staff?
Do patients have access to a psychiatrist?
Do you accept pregnant women?
Do you accept women & children?
Do you offer support for families?
Do you offer aftercare services?
Do you have supported housing/third stage accommodation?

Other services/treatment provided:

Part of our gender specific service includes a bespoke programme for sex working women which supports them to break free from destructive behaviours and thinking patterns linked to their sex working histories and addiction.  

We have an onsite family visiting flat for mothers to have overnight visits with their children.

We have a variety of social enterprises and interventions aimed at supporting clients to increase their employability.

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